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    Who Knows Who was inspired by a previous idea about creating a social club for people to connect. Many questions are asked between club members to get acquainted. So, the idea was born to develop a board game. As with most thoughts, it started on a piece of paper that didn't look much better than chicken scratch. Over the years, after numerous improvements and perseverance, the game has evolved into what it is today. In addition, we created cards to duplicate the social clubs' energy and individuality; Questions, Zany, Personal Experience, and Tasks. At the end of the game someone will end up with a Task which is an assigned duty to perform anytime after the game has ended.

Of the top 10 boards games, Who Knows Who is destined to become one of them.

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Inventor and designer Stephen Junda

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USMC veteran combat service medals

  I have a good sense of humor; I'm artistic

 and enjoy constructing. My board game is a culmination of these things; thus, a quote by Walt Disney...

"If you can dream it, you can do it."

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