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Many years have brought about significant changes in the game industry, and many games aren't very interactive, leaving a void or longing to interact with others and the excitement it leaves behind. Who Knows Who is a board game that is intended to ease this dilemma and is extremely interactive. You can play it with friends, family, or as a couple(s). You can also set up teams.
Whether you think you know someone more than they know about you or want to know more about someone, this is a fun way to find out. Many unique features in this game set it apart from other games. This game contains a new style die (singular for dice), tokens, and Tracker Cards, which keep track of everyone's play. Other innovations include a card tray you place on the board to help keep your playing cards in order and unique cards such as Zany, Personal Experience, and Tasks.
The challenge of this game is to answer question cards drawn by other players. If you can't answer a question correctly, you receive a Debit. If you receive four Debits, you now get a Task from the player who asked you your last question. A Task can be a project, favor, item, chore, assignment, etc., completed anytime after the game. There are ways to lessen a Task or even eliminate it. It's easy to keep track of any Debits you may receive on your specialized Tracker Card. A notepad is also included with the game to transfer and post any players' Tasks to remind them.
WHIMSICAL, LUDICROUS, REVEALING and ENGAGING are some of the words players have used to describe many of the playing cards. These elements entice or coax players into a sort of frenzy. Players sometimes find it hard to complete one round on the board because they are so involved in the game; we think this is good. You can play only one round on the board or as many as desired. We recommend four rounds of play, which may average one to one and a half hours.
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